Saturday, December 31, 2016

How to clean and deodorize some things

How to clean and deodorize some things

Have a grease monkey at home? Help them get their hands really clean with some Borax and Dawn dish soap. Just scrub and rinse.
Dawn dish soapBorax

Let's face it, that blue bottle is good for almost everything! I had some old ice cream stains on my car seats (from my little angels), I mixed Dawn, Vinegar and Club Soda, scrubbed and dabbed and the stains disappeared! In my next batch I'm going to use peroxide instead of club soda. I used baking soda and peroxide on a stain (cat puke) on white carpet, that worked pretty awesome too! The chemical reaction of the two bubbled the stain up and I just dabbed it up.

Have a motor-home? You know that ook that forms on the siding after it's been stored awhile? I don't know if it's mold or what, I just know it's ugly. To clean ours, I mixed Dawn and bleach in a garden sprayer (the kind that goes on the end of a hose), I sprayed one section at a time, let it sit for a minute or two, used a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser - the crap came right off! I love those erasers - only bad thing is they shred pretty easy, especially if you hit a screw or rough spot of some kind. I probably went through 8 of them or so.

Home-made cleaning scrub:  I mix borax and essential oil in an clean Parmesan Cheese container (the kind with holes in the top, for easy sprinkling). Just fill the container half way with Borax (or you can use baking soda if you prefer) add your favorite essential oil, close the lid and shake well. Add more Borax (or baking soda) leaving about an inch of space from the top (to allow space for shaking again). Shake well again. I have a bunch of essential oils from my days of soap making.

Clear the air:  I accidentally stumbled upon this solution to stinky rooms. Lay a piece of newspaper on the floor, pour a big pile (half the box) of baking soda on it and let it sit and absorb odors as long as needed. Then just throw it all away (or make some cleaning scrub out of it). Get a big box of baking soda, so you don't have to be stingy with a little one.

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